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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

We all enjoyed a great day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The morning was spent in classes, decorating flags and bunting, making crowns and creative portraits of the Queen. Some of the children also entered into the design a jubilee stamp competition. The winners will be announced after the half term holiday.  

It was a nice opportunity to gather as school for an assembly to learn about the life of Queen Elizabeth II so far; her role and responsibilities as Queen, her family and the importance of this moment in history.  

In the afternoon we all ventured outside, amongst the bunting, to take part in different group activities, including biscuit decorating, traditional fairground games and year 6 worked together to create a Platinum Jubilee time capsule as well as learning the national anthem.  

We thank all the children for their efforts and enthusiasm on the day. All of the staff worked hard to create a memorable day for the children. It wasn’t quite the sunny day we had pictured but we all had a brilliant time celebrating this special occasion, which we may never see again.