The Lost Spells
We continued the theme of 'Our Wonderful World' during assembly this morning and in typical GCA style I used a range of wonderful books to share stories and information with the children.
After hearing a poem, a biography and a short story all about nature, animals and how grateful we should be to our planet, I shared a very special book with the children.
Two weeks ago, a pupil greeted me on the playground with a scroll and a book. The scroll explained how the pupil had wanted to gift the school a book about both nature and poetry. It ended by saying, "I hope other children in the school enjoy it just as much as I did, maybe even more."
I shared a poem about swallows from the book and the words as well as the illustrations captivated the children. So, thank you Hadley (and family), we certainly will enjoy the book and I am sure children will continue to.