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Whole Class Reading

The driving force behind our reading curriculum is equality of opportunity. Across Key Stage Two, we teach reading through whole class sessions. 

Research clearly demonstrates a strong correlation between success at reading and having better prospects in adulthood. It is therefore imperative that we ensure all of our pupils have the opportunity to become successful readers.

We do this by ensuring that our reading curriculum prioritises language comprehension through vocabulary acquisition, discussion and debate. We provide every pupil with the opportunity to develop a board vocabulary base by carefully selecting challenging class texts focused on a variety of subjects and written by a wide range of authors. Below is the KS2 text map for Whole Class Reading which outlines the text covered in each year group. 

We then expose every pupil in each class to the same text, differentiating through the use of scaffolds.  We have the highest expectation of all pupils. 

We value the principles of oracy, debate, discussion and enrichment.  Our teachers model how to challenge knowledge, apply knowledge and find meaning within texts. This high quality modelling is combined with discussion and questioning to enable all of our pupils to understand the texts they read.