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Computing now filters into so many areas of our lives and we are becoming more reliant on technology, so it is vital that we prepare our pupils with a solid understanding of computational thinking and problem-solving. 

At GCA, we use the NCCE (National Centre for Computing Education) scheme 'Teach Computing'.  This is a thorough curriculum and is run by a consortium made up of STEM Learning, the Raspberry Pi Foundation and BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.


We teach using both unplugged and plugged methods. First we teach new concepts by unpicking complex terms, vocabulary and ideas, exploring these ideas in unplugged contexts, then repacking this new understanding and allowing children to engage, explore and then apply their new knowledge.

Teach Computing has a varied curriculum journey:

Within each year, we cover 4 main areas; Computing Systems and Networks, Creating Media, Programming and Data and Information.

The Teach Computing Curriculum has a strong progression path:

Each lesson builds from the previous years learning and upon the last lesson.  We revisit key concepts, vocabulary and ideas and form a building block where children can progress within their abilities, while still challenging themselves.  We follow the 'Computational Thinking Skills' set out by Barefoot computing, to help teach children the skills they will need to succeed in computing, but also through the rest of their lives. 

E-safety is a very important and key thread that weaves through every strand of the Computing curriculum. 

For our online curriculum we use Project Evolve, which is written by experts from the UK Safer Internet Centre and bases its content from the UK Council for Internet Safety's framework (UKCIS).  To ensure we meet the children's needs, we use the assessment questionnaire tool from Project Evolve to see the areas of strength and weaknesses, then we fill the gaps to ensure all children have at least a developing level of internet safety in all areas throughout the year, however always aiming for a secure understanding.