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Religious Education (RE)


Why is RE important? 

We need to prepare children to live and succeed in this world.  Religious Education equips pupils with the knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and non-religious views.  

Linked to the British Value of tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs, through Religious Education we learn about differences and understand how individual's personal identifies are formed so that our pupils are better able to celebrate our diverse Britain.

Through high quality Religious Education our pupils have a better understanding of the motivations behind other's thoughts and actions. 

It is our desire that our pupils can flourish in a diverse society taking part in rich discourse about faith and beliefs.  

How is RE organised? 


Knowledge of Christianity including, beliefs, values and traditions at individual, community and global levels.


EYFS – Festivals  

KS1 – 2 units of Christianity and 1 other religion 

KS2 – 1 unit of Christianity and 2 other religions (1 new and 1 previously taught)  


Introduction of Major World Religion  

Knowledge of the major world religions or secular world views, instilling respect and understanding towards other people and cultures.

Children will be encouraged to use their previous knowledge to look for similarities and differences between faiths and within faiths.


More in-depth Study of a Major World Religion previously covered.

Each major world faith is revisited and studied in more depth.


What is taught and in what order? 


Festivals  - EYFS

The Church Year   - Year 1

A Christian Family   - Year 1

Jesus  - Year 2

Bible Stories  - Year 2 

The Bible  - Year 3

Worship in Church   - Year 4

Living as a Christian   - Year 5

Creation  - Year 6


Major World Religion  

With the introduction of each new faith, similarities and differences and links between faiths will be established.


Festivals  - EYFS

Buddhism  -Year 1

Sikhism   - Year 2

Judaism – Year 3

Islam  - Year 4

Hinduism  - Year 5

Humanism  - Year 6


 More in-depth Study of a Major World Religion previously covered.

Identify similarities and differences, between Christianity, a major world religion or secular world view and a previously taught religion (KS2)

Exploring diversity between and within religions and other world views.

Sikhism – Year 3

A comparison of sacred texts and its importance to a faith.

Judaism – Year 4

A comparison of worship, rites of passage and an understanding of diversity within religions.

Buddhism – Year 5

A comparison of beliefs and their impact on daily life.

Hinduism – Year 6

A comparison of an Abrahamic religion, Dharmic religion and Humanist beliefs.

What will this include? What do RE lessons look like?

  • Using sacred texts and stories 
  • Visiting religious buildings  
  • Reference to places of worship 
  • Visitor and Speakers  
  • Understanding beliefs, practises, values and traditions 
  • Exploring the characteristics and qualities of gods/deities  
  • Asking questions, discussing and sharing opinions