Star Awards 3.2.23
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ACES Academies Trust
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We continued the theme of 'Our Wonderful World' during assembly this morning and in typical GCA style I used a range of wonderful books to share stories and information with the children.
Congratulations to the recipients of this week's Star Awards.
Year 1 visited St Mary's church to join Rev. Busk in the Baptism of Jane Elizabeth.
This week, Miss Desmond lead the school in an assembly focused on planet Earth.
Last Friday, we were joined by Sunita from the Indian Experience (Home (, who delivered an assembly and workshops to pupils in Years 1, 5 and 6.
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Our whole school assembly this week looked at the British Value of Individual Liberty.
We were delighted to welcome parents and carers to our first ever Carols on the Courts event in December.
Another wonderful week at GCA!
Well done on all of your hard work!
We are delighted to share our November Newsletter with you.